Suyodh Vijayan

Suyodh Vijayan

Hello! I’m Suyodh Vijayan. I navigate life with a curiosity that fuels my desire to explore and learn. Whether delving into the world of web technologies or tackling the challenges of Operations Management, at Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, I embrace each experience with enthusiasm.

I hail from Kerala, India, a place known for its breathtaking natural beauty, diverse cultural heritage, and delectable cuisine. Passionate about Web Technologies, I find joy in reading and doing more of it.

I am honored to have received gold medal for B. Tech in Civil Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Calicut, an achievement that reflects my dedication to academic excellence.

In the professional realm, I have successfully managed Operations, Maintenance and HSE at petroleum installations. My approach to work involves implementing sustainable solutions to challenges, and I constantly seek opportunities for growth and innovation. Through steadfast dedication, I am humbled to have been chosen as Digi-Sitaare and TCT Champion at HPCL. These accolades are a testament to my dedication and continuous pursuit of excellence.

Let’s connect and share our stories! I look forward to engaging with like-minded individuals and building connections that transcend the digital space.

Thanks for stopping by and being part of my journey!