“Which way – Alappuzha or Kottayam?”

My Head

Every time I plan to drive home from Ernakulam, I find myself pondering this question, and this occasion was no exception. The answer is inherently obvious, yet my mind tends to engage in a logical processing of numbers. It has always been this way. On this particular day, the logical conclusion led me to choose the familiar route – via Alappuzha.

Feeling more at ease this time, largely due to the early start at 2:30 AM. Following a compact power nap of five and a half hours, I set out in my Figo. The journey began with a visit to my workplace for a night inspection, a routine part of my job that concluded by 3 AM. Then commenced the 2.5-hour journey to the best place ever – home.

There are numerous reasons why it holds such significance. First and foremost are the people, followed closely by the allure of home-cooked food. What more could one ask for?

A night journey brings its inherent risks, with the most significant emanating from within – the temptation to drift into sleep. To resist is to engage in a race, challenging everything along the way until it fades. The monotonous stretch of four lanes gives way to the exhilarating two-lane traffic. Each curve and turn adds a dash of spice to the journey.

And so, the Venice of the East is reached. However, it stings a bit to witness the bypass still unopened. Time seems to dart ahead swiftly in Kerala, particularly when the gravitational force of public infrastructure projects is so pronounced. Decades pass by like mere weeks, and such has been the story with the bypass project (not unlike any other project in Kerala). Despite hearing and reading about its promised beauty, it has, thus far, remained a beautiful dream.

The town possesses inherent beauty and doesn’t rely on a small bypass to enhance its charm. During my initial journeys, what struck me most about this town were its perpendicular streets. This geometric perfection in town planning, visible even on the map, brought me immense satisfaction. ☺️

The roadside shops exuded a vibrant and lively atmosphere, yet their owners appeared visibly fatigued, struggling to stay awake. In contrast to those weary eyes, mine lit up at the scene. I parked my pocket rocket at the side and approached the first vendor, who was busy toasting some bread with an excess of oil. Opting instead for the perennially popular lemon sarbath (with soda, of course).

As I savored the drink, I had the opportunity to observe the heart of the town up close for the first time. It was the early morning, and as the town awakened, it revealed its natural beauty to me. It was undeniably pleasing to the eyes.

I pondered that the frequently traveled road is often the finest one.

Having completed the sarbath, it lulled my thirst to sleep. Dreaming of the delectable treats awaiting me at my favorite destination, I continued my journey homeward.